Monday 14 January 2008

Review: New Dawn - Kibi Mei Wo Tsugeru Kane Cd

First of all help me out with translating the title of the album!(Aaron thanx a lot!). This 9 track Cd was released in 2005 through Straight Up records. New Dawn features ex members of Cannons, Aggro Knuckle and Strong Style. The Cd kicks off with a hard rocking riff turning into a great melodic tune. The sound is very catchy although metallic with great melodic guitar leads althrough the album. Most songs are pretty up tempo wich is good in my opinion. The vocals are not as rough as some other bands sound but suits the melodic style well. New Dawn is a great band and you should definatly check them out, the cd has a great packaging too, like all Straight Up releases.

Check out a youtube live clip


as said...

The title there (暮秋ノ回帰船) is for the new released 2007 New Dawn cd. Its "bosyuu no kaiki sen".

Theres a cool site here too for the release of that cd.. New Dawn X Hammerskull special site:

The 2005 release title is "黍明を告げる鐘" kibi mei wo tsugeru kane.

RudoReject said...

Thanks a lot for the info! I am changing the title.