Sunday, 3 February 2008

Review: Shishimaru - Fu-Jin CD

Shishimaru's CD is the second release by Vital Sign records, ran by the singer of Empi. Came out in 2007. When i received this CD i was impressed by the great packaging/art work, but even more impressed when i gave this disc a spin in my CD player. This CD really kicks ass! Hard rock guitar work combined with punk anger and great rough vocals. These dudes really know how to write a catchy rocking tune. I like all tracks not many weak moments on this CD, the production is also good, the tracks shoot out of your speakers. Anyway i recommend this CD to everyone. Listen to a song of this CD on their webpage.


as said...

great stuff! everyone should buy this cd. tora tora tora!

RudoReject said...

haha listen to Aaron!